The final phase of adrenal gland fatigue is Adrenal Gland Failure. Just as it sounds, it’s the point at which the adrenal glands cannot produce cortisol at all. This can be life-threatening. If steps are not taken for true recovery, you could have a very high chance of cardiovascular failure (i.e., dropping dead from a heart attack).
A patient at this stage may have the clinical presentation of Addison’s Disease, although the progression and etiology are different. Symptoms can include:
- Craving salt
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Muscle weakness
- Depression
- Inability to cope with stress
- Intolerance to heat and cold
- Inability to digest food, loss of appetite, and weight loss
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Low blood pressure that falls further when standing (orthostatic hypotension), leading to dizziness, fainting, and falls
- Blood sugar abnormalities, including dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
- Blotchy, dark freckling of the skin, especially in areas exposed to the sun, in skin folds and creases, or along scars
- Darkening of the gums
Bottom line: you DON’T EVER want to get to Adrenal Gland Failure. It’s imperative that you TAKE ACTION to help your adrenal glands recover and regain your overall health before you ever get close to this phase. Contact Dr. Engelbart TODAY for more information.