If you suffer from insomnia, you already know that lack of sleep affects every aspect of your health and well-being. Sleep is as essential to your health as eating, drinking and breathing, and not being able to sleep well, or not getting enough sleep over time, will simply break you down.
While there is much about sleep and why we need it that scientists still don’t understand, functional medicine has made major strides in helping to figure out how to get your healthy sleep restored. Dr. Engelbart can implement this testing for you to help solve the insomnia riddle.
Testing May Include:
- Home sleep study using cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC);
- A FDA approved, peer-reviewed and clinically effective tool that accurately and objective measures your sleep quality and quantity;
- Adrenal gland testing and circadian rhythm mapping;
- Cortisol testing throughout the day and before bed;
- Melatonin;
- Neurotransmitter balance;
- Comparing the ratio of inhibitory neurotransmitters that are necessary for sleep to excitatory neurotransmitters that are necessary for wakefulness;
- Blood sugar balance;
- Glucose;
- Hemoglobin A1C;
- Insulin;
- C-Peptide;
- HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model of Assessment of Insulin Resistance).
Contact Dr. Engelbart now for more information.