about Dr Natalie J. Engelbart
Good health treatment and advice are among the most important services you will ever purchase in your life. It’s important that we all make the best choices possible when it comes to reaching for quality care and optimum health. Here are a few testimonials from our patients that will help your decision making process.
I started working with Dr. Engelbart to address my energy levels and over all feeling of wellness. Together we addressed underlying issues I didn’t realize were present. After following Dr. Engelbart’s nutrition advice and supplement regimen as prescribed I literally felt the best I ever had in my life. My energy , digestion, and mental clarity were drastically improved. As a woman and mother of twins in my 30s I felt better than I did as a teenager and in my 20s. I recommend anyone looking to be and feel their best to work with Dr. Engelbart. Her knowledge and advice are truly invaluable!
T.L. San Pedro, CA
Working with Dr. Natalie has given me the answers I was looking for to help me with my sleep issues. Her insight, knowledge and right-on-target solutions gave me immediate and lasting results and I am hugely grateful that she was so specific and on the mark, that I felt better right away.
N.M. Boulder, CO
Dr. Natalie is an intelligent, compassionate person, full of passion for assisting patients in becoming the best they can be, physically as well as emotionally. Before working with Dr. Natalie my nervous system and hormones were beyond off-kilter. Now I feel balanced and supported on all levels.
K.H. Boulder, CO
After a long-term local office relationship with Dr. Natalie Engelbart we shifted to an on-line office format. At first I was a bit concerned but it is working amazingly well. With “face to face” on-line visits, email follow-ups of visits and on-line ordering, I have complete care of my needs. This has worked out great!
B.J. Flower Mound, TX
Through Dr. Engelbart’s expertise, devotion, and personalized supplement program she successfully managed to balance my brain chemistry and hormones to provide the physiological stability I was missing from my life.
J.P. Pineville, LA
I am so grateful to have found Dr. Engelbart! Two years ago I was at my lowest point, with extreme fatigue, chronic pain, and labtests showing abnormal results. My doctors were recommending steroid treatments, and the naturopaths were recommending sweeping lifestyle changes without looking at my system as a unique individual. I was incredibly fortunate to find YourTopLife, and Dr. Engelbart, as she was the only person to really look at me as a whole person, with a unique system and interrelating pieces. By looking at much more detailed lab results she was able to see what was going on with my body and prescribe specific lifestyle changes that actually made a difference for me, without requiring me to make changes that weren’t necessary. So far I am still not taking any prescription medications, but my energy has vastly improved, the pain is far more manageable, and my labs are almost all back to normal. My other doctors have encouraged me to continue working with Dr. Engelbart, as they agree that a functional doctor is an important way to augment working with a traditional doctor, and they are impressed by how much I’ve improved. I tell everyone I know who has trouble with fatigue, pain, and other symptoms that have not been resolved to reach out to her. I am so grateful that I have her looking after me, and honestly don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found her.
A.K. Louisville, CO
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