Are Your Adrenal Glands SHOT? Take our 3 minute quiz to find out what phase of adrenal gland fatigue you could be in right now. Your Name Your Email Gender I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and am a slow-starter. Yes No None I need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning. Yes No None I have a significant energy slump in the mid afternoon. Yes No None I need coffee or stimulants to get through my day. Yes No None I crave salt. Yes No None I crave sugar and/or carbs. Yes No None I feel better after eating, at least temporarily. Yes No None I feel hungry an hour or two after eating. Yes No None I can’t eat when I’m under stress. Yes No None I tend to gain weight, especially around the waist, and especially when I am under stress. Yes No None I have a hard time losing weight in general, despite diet and exercise. Yes No None My sex drive is noticeably diminished. Yes No None I have trouble getting asleep or staying asleep. Yes No None I get light-headed if I change positions too quickly. Yes No None I have trouble with short term memory and thinking clearly (brain fog). Yes No None I frequently have pain and tension in my upper back and neck. Yes No None I startle easily. Yes No None I am now, or have been, under a considerable amount of stress. Yes No None My ability to handle stress has gotten worse. Yes No None I tremble or feel flushed when I am under stress. Yes No None I have frequent headaches, especially with exertion and stress. Yes No None I have volatile emotions. Yes no None My motivation and drive have diminished. Yes No None I often get cold hands and feet. Yes No None I perspire easily or excessively, even with light or minimal activity. Yes No None My hair is falling out. Yes No None I get colds, sinus infections and/or flus frequently, and the symptoms tend to linger. Yes No None I have multiple allergies or food sensitivities, or am prone to rashes. Yes No None For Women Only: I have increasing symptoms of PMS. Yes No None For Women Only: My menstrual cycle is irregular and/or I have heavy periods. Yes No None Time's up